Check out this short video
(less than a minute)
to learn why we started RaisingKC
#1 way to reduce the risk of lifelong mental, physical, & behavioral health problems – bullying, depression, anxiety, abuse, drug addiction, obesity, heart disease, suicide, cancer and more – is a safe, stable, nurturing relationships between an adult and child
Our Mission is...
To lead citywide conversations and connections to build healthful adult-child relationships to reduce the risk of mental, physical, and behavioral health problems – the greatest public health threat of our time. This is at the heart of our public health initiative.
Community & Connection
This initiative starts with everyone in the Kansas City community–neighbors, parents, educators, coaches, business and city leaders, grandparents, healthcare providers—hear from each group in the extended video below to learn how you can create a safe, stable, nurturing relationships and impact a child’s life.